Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cash Flow of Life

Expenses are when you operate from your Senses (Indriya).
You are only Spending & Saving all your Life.

Investment is when you operate from Calculations & Mind.
You are only focusing on Generating & Employing for more Generation.

Wealth is when you operate from your Emotions.
You are sharing with those connected. You have more for others than your own use.

Prosperity is when you operate from your Spirits & Enthusiasm. 
You are enjoying the Flow of it. You are having all for everyone.
The Important Question is where you derive the joy from money:
In coming, In going, In sharing or In Offering.

A Sensual person feels happiness only when money is coming.
A caluclative person feels happiness only when money is going.
A Emotional person feels happiness only when money is shared.
A Spiritual person feels happiness only when money is offered.
As you move from your senses to spirit upwards the Flow, Consistency and Assurance of Money gets enhanced. 

You move from tapping mere tangible resources to also intangible resources.
Nature in both ways tangibly and intangibly is abundant.
Our accessibility to it makes us Prosperous or NOT.
What we make as our base of sustenance in the world determines the Source of our Cash - Flow.
Most of us make either sensual or emotional and at the most calculations as our base.
That is where Spending, Protecting, Investing, Securing, Planning comes from.

Your Consumption can also determine your cash - flow.
Your Cause can also determine your cash - flow.
Your Care can also determine your cash - flow.
Your Creation can also determine your cash - flow.

The Consistency & Ease in your Cash - Flow increases when you move from Consumption to Creation.
Finally the most important thing about your Cash Flow is the awareness that energy which brings the cash for you and the energy which releases the cash from you can never never be different.

Law of Attraction Prevails.
Courtesy SSY -Sanjay Thakkar

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